If you get following error, when you try to start nginx…
[emerg]: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
Then it means nginx or some other process is already using port 80.
You can kill it using:
sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
And then try restarting nginx again:
service nginx start
thanks! 🙂
Superb! Thanks.
Thank you.
thanks. that save my life. been searching over the net, then this simple tutorial solve the problem.
thanks. its 100 % working.
thanks now working 😛 same issue with me 🙂 now working great
Thanks, I’ve been looking in different sites but this works to me.
Thanks again.
I got Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Try reloading:
After following this
After doing nginx stop an start i can see my app running on server.Thank you
thanks! it works!
You are an angel!