- Adding $upstream_cache_status in HTTP Response Headers
- Amazon Elastic Load Balancer and Forwarding Real-IP Nginx
- Block wp-login.php bruteforce attack
- Configuring HTTP/2 Server Push
- Enable gzip compression
- fail2ban
- Let’s Encrypt with EasyEngine
- Nginx’s Open file cache
- Serving fonts with correct mime types
- SSL – PCI compliance and performance optimization
- Troubleshooting
- Tweaking fastcgi-buffers
- Using $upstream_cache_status in access.log
- Using Pagespeed
- Weak Diffie Hellman Logjam Attack Fix
- Website access restriction using nginx
- Enable Nginx Status Page
- Forwarding Visitor’s Real-IP + Nginx Proxy/Fastcgi backend correctly
- Parsing access.log and error.logs using linux commands
- Debugging Nginx Configuration
- Nginx config for www to non-www and non-www to www redirection
- Optimizing Nginx Configuration
- Rewrite Rules for vBulletin SEO-friendly permalinks