ee site create -–type=html
Runs the standard HTML site installation.
: Name of website.
: Enables ssl on site.
- le
- self
- inherit
- custom
: Path to the SSL key file.
: Path to the SSL crt file.
: Gets wildcard SSL .
: Type of the site to be created. Values: html,php,wp etc.
: Comma separated list of alias domains for the site.
: Skips site status check.
: Set custom source directory for site inside htdocs.
# Create html site
$ ee site create
# Create html site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --ssl=le
# Create html site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --ssl=le --wildcard
# Create html site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --ssl=self
# Create html site with custom source directory inside htdocs ( SITE_ROOT/app/htdocs/src )
$ ee site create --public-dir=src
# Create site with alias domains and ssl
$ ee site create --type=html --alias-domains=',*,' --ssl=le
ee site create --type=php
Runs the standard PHP Site installation.
: Name of website.
: Use redis cache for PHP.
: E-Mail of the administrator.
: Create database for php site.
: Create separate db container instead of using global db.
: PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0 and latest.
default: latest
- 5.6
- 7.0
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 8.0
- latest
: Comma separated list of alias domains for the site.
: Set the database name.
: Set the database user.
: Set the database password.
: Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.
: Enable cache with local redis container.
: If set, the database connection is not checked.
: Skips site status check.
: Enables ssl on site.
- le
- self
- inherit
- custom
: Path to the SSL key file.
: Path to the SSL crt file.
: Gets wildcard SSL .
: Resets the remote database if it is not empty.
: Set custom source directory for site inside htdocs.
# Create php site (without db)
$ ee site create --type=php
# Create php site with db
$ ee site create --type=php --with-db
# Create php site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=php --ssl=le
# Create php site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=php --ssl=le --wildcard
# Create site with alias domains and ssl
$ ee site create --type=html --alias-domains=',*,' --ssl=le
# Create php site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=php --ssl=self
# Create php site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=php --with-db --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password
# Create php site with custom source directory inside htdocs ( SITE_ROOT/app/htdocs/public )
$ ee site create --type=php --public-dir=public
# Create PHP site with custom ssl certs
$ ee site create --ssl=custom --ssl-key='/path/to/' --ssl-crt='/path/to/'
ee site create --type=wp
Runs the standard WordPress Site installation.
: Name of website.
: Use redis cache for WordPress.
: Create WordPress VIP GO site using your vip repo which contains wp-content dir. Default it will use skeleton repo.
: Specify WordPress Multi-site type.
: Comma separated list of alias domains for the site.
: Title of your site.
: Username of the administrator.
: Password for the the administrator.
: E-Mail of the administrator.
: Create separate db container instead of using global db.
: Enable cache with local redis container.
: Set custom source directory for site inside htdocs.
: PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0 and latest.
default: latest
- 5.6
- 7.0
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 8.0
- latest
: Set the database name.
: Set the database user.
: Set the database password.
: Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.
: Set the database table prefix.
: Set the database charset.
default: utf8mb4
: Set the database collation.
: If set, the database connection is not checked.
: Select which WordPress version you want to download. Accepts a version number, ‘latest’ or ‘nightly’.
: Download WP without the default themes and plugins.
: Skips wp-core install.
: Skips site status check.
: Enables ssl on site.
- le
- self
- inherit
- custom
: Path to the SSL key file.
: Path to the SSL crt file.
: Gets wildcard SSL.
: Enable or disable proxy cache on site.
default: off
- on
- off
: Max size for proxy-cache.
: Max time for proxy cache to last.
: Do not prompt for confirmation.
: Resets the remote database if it is not empty.
# Create WordPress site
$ ee site create --type=wp
# Create WordPress multisite subdir site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdir
# Create WordPress multisite subdom site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom
# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le
# Create WordPress site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --wildcard
# Create WordPress site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=self
# Create WordPress site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=wp --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password
# Create WordPress site with custom site title, locale, admin user, admin email and admin password
$ ee site create --type=wp --title=easyengine --locale=nl_NL [email protected] --admin-user=easyengine --admin-pass=easyengine
# Create WordPress site with custom source directory inside htdocs ( SITE_ROOT/app/htdocs/current )
$ ee site create --type=wp --public-dir=current
# Create WordPress site with custom ssl certs
$ ee site create --ssl=custom --ssl-key='/path/to/' --ssl-crt='/path/to/'
# Create subodm MU WordPress site with alias domains and ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom --alias-domains=',*,' --ssl=le
Name | Description |
ee site clean | Clears Object and Page cache for site. |
ee site clone | Clones a website from source to a new website in destination. |
ee site delete | Deletes a website. |
ee site disable | Disables a website. It will stop and remove the docker containers of the website if they are running. |
ee site enable | Enables a website. It will start the docker containers of the website if they are stopped. |
ee site info | Display all the relevant site information, credentials and useful links. |
ee site list | Lists the created websites. |
ee site publish | Publishes site online using ngrok. |
ee site refresh | Re-create sites docker-compose file and update the containers containers. |
ee site reload | Reload services in containers without restarting container(s) associated with site. |
ee site restart | Restarts containers associated with site. |
ee site share | Share a site online using ngrok. |
ee site ssl | Verifies ssl challenge and also renews certificates(if expired). |
ee site ssl-renew | Renews letsencrypt ssl certificates. |
ee site ssl-verify | Verifies ssl challenge and also renews certificates(if expired). |
ee site sync | Syncs a website from source to an existing website in destination. |
ee site update | Supports updating and upgrading site. |
Argument | Description |
--sites_path=<path> | Absolute path to where all sites will be stored. |
--locale=<locale> | Locale for WordPress. |
--le-mail=<le-mail> | Mail-id to be used for letsencrypt. |
--wp-mail=<wp-mail> | Default Mail-id to be used for WordPress site installation. |
--sysctl=<true/false> | Whether to add sysctl config in docker-compose. |
--[no-]color | Whether to colorize the output. |
--debug[=<group>] | Show all PHP errors; add verbosity to EE bootstrap. |
--quiet | Suppress informational messages. |