
This command will show you the information related to Nginx and PHP. You need to log in as root user and run this command.


ee info --nginx

Output will look like:

NGINX (1.6.0):
user                 www-data
worker_processes         auto
worker_connections       4096
keepalive_timeout        30
fastcgi_read_timeout         300
client_max_body_size         100m

PHP Info

ee info --php

Output will look like this:

PHP (5.5.14-2):
user                 www-data
expose_php           Off
memory_limit             128M
post_max_size            100M
upload_max_filesize      100M
max_execution_time       300

Information about www.conf
ping.path            /ping
pm.status_path           /status
process_manager          ondemand
pm.max_requests          500
pm.max_children          100
pm.start_servers         20
pm.min_spare_servers         10
pm.max_spare_servers         30
request_terminate_timeout    300
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger   off

Information about debug.conf
ping.path            /ping
pm.status_path           /status
process_manager          ondemand
pm.max_requests          500
pm.max_children          100
pm.start_servers         20
pm.min_spare_servers         10
pm.max_spare_servers         30
request_terminate_timeout    300
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger   on

MySQL Info

ee info --mysql

Output will look like this:

MySQL (5.5.37):
user                 root
port                 3306
wait_timeout             30
interactive_timeout      60
max_used_connections         1/151
datadir              /var/lib/mysql/
socket               /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

All info

To view all commands output together use

ee info

6 responses to “info”

  1. How can I check the easyengine version that I’m currently using?


  2. Am now using E4 and when i type ee info –nginx it says Error: ‘info’ is not a registered ee command. See ‘ee help’ for available commands. What should i do ?

    • For E4, you can try use ee cli info instead. It will help us much more if they have alert box when there are a lot of differents in each version :(.