EasyEngine uses Cement Framework due to its inbuilt features helping to focus on development of core functionality of application.
Developing Plugins For EasyEngine
EasyEngine used boss templates for plugin development which generates directory structure and plugin configuration whichcan be easaily merged with EasyEngine.
Install Cement
apt-get install python-pip
pip install cement
Install boss
pip install -e git+git://github.com/datafolklabs/boss.git#egg=boss
boss sync # Downloads and installs necessary templates
Clone EasyEngine Repository
git clone -b python https://github.com/rtCamp/easyengine.git
mkdir plugins
boss create ./plugins/myplugin -t boss:cement-plugin
Fill the information this plugin will ask when setting up plugin. last command will create such directory structue in easyengine repository
└── myplugin
├── config
│ └── plugins.d
│ └── myplugin.conf
└── plugins
└── myplugin.py
Now you can start coding in your way.