EasyEngine 1.2 with Debian Support

easyengine-debianLatest release of EasyEngine 1.2 added support for Debian 6 and 7 using packages from dotdeb.org.

Debian support wasn’t planned anytime early but when we visited dotdeb.org we found their package list as per our expectation.

Version Notes

For Debian 7, PHP 5.5 will be installed.

For Debian 6, PHP 5.4 will be installed.

DotDeb repo do not have PHP 5.5 for Debian 6.

We have tested complete EasyEngine 1.2 on following distros:

  1. Debian-7 (64-bit)
  2. Debian-7 (32-bit)
  3. Debian-6 (64-bit)
  4. Debian-6 (32-bit)

Still, if you run into any issues, feel free to use EasyEngine support forum.

Upgrade Notes

This release only changes installer part. So if you have a server with easyengine up and running, you no need to worry about upgrades.

Though if you run EasyEngine upgrade – i.e. ee upgrade command, nothing will break on your system.

Special Thanks

Debian support would not have been possible without DotDeb repo. So special thanks to DotDeb team. ๐Ÿ™‚

Also credit for this release goes to Mitesh Shah, who completed Debian support in less than 8 hours!

Links: EasyEngine Home | Github Repo | Support Forum

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