We are excited to announce BAMAJR LLC, our newest EasyExpert!
Unlike a lot of other services companies in the server/hosting space, BAMAJR does not provide typical web or email hosting services. Instead, they focus on providing a “Web Technology Concierge” service that helps their clients manage their own hosting accounts, websites, web-based systems and applications.
In the following interview, Robert writes about “GLEEPLE” and the origin story of his company’s rather unique name, among other things.
You can check out BAMAJR’s EasyExperts profile on our EasyExperts page.
Tell us a bit about your background in hosting / server management
Since the mid-90’s I’ve been actively building websites. Besides websites for the high school I was attending, I also created websites for a couple small businesses. The more websites I created, the more I began to question what made a website work.
With limited exposure to CERN HTTPd and NCSA HTTPd, I began tinkering with Apache in 1997 or 1998. I’ve always had a disdain towards Micro$lop (what I call Microsoft), so I wanted to learn about how to host websites with Apple systems, Linux/Unix and Solaris – anything other than Micro$lop.
While in College, I worked for two different ISPs. I began using Linux regularly and was finally learning about the technology that makes websites work. I started hosting my own websites in 1999 and was helping businesses deploy web servers in 2000.
By 2000, I had a favorite Linux distribution – DEBIAN (v.2.2 Potato) and I did all my development on a Mac. Debian Servers and a MacBook Pro are still the way I do things today.
I’m always trying to be innovative in the solutions I offer my clients and several years ago, I decided “innovation” meant having another HTTP server in my repertoire. I began researching NGINX in 2010 but didn’t start offering it in the solutions I provided until 2012.
Now NGINX powers just about every web project my company is involved in. If the project requires a WordPress website, EasyEngine is used in 100% of my WordPress website deployments.
I’ve been passionate about websites since the early 90’s but quickly became passionate about hosting and server management as soon as I understood their impact on the websites I was building.
This passion grew as I learned. I spent several years learning how to service and repair the physical machines themselves along with the networks that connected them all. Now, I have a pretty long list of companies, for which I’ve worked, either in a hardware service/repair capacity or a website/web-solutions capacity (See it here: https://robertcorymartin.com/portfolio/ – Do you recognize any of the listed companies?)
Where are you based out of? Do you have a collaborative team? Tell us a bit more about your team.
My company is located in Star Prairie, Wisconsin, a little village northeast of Hudson, Wisconsin.
I do not currently have any employees (no employees as the US Gov’t classifies employees). I do have more than a handful of people who regularly advise me or who accept contract work from my business.
How did you discover EasyEngine?
I discovered EasyEngine by sheer luck. Sometime in 2014 I was searching for an administration, deployment and management utility for WordPress installs on NGINX. A “Google Search” connected me with EasyEngine.
What do you use EasyEngine mainly for?
I use EasyEngine for anything/everything EasyEngine can do.
This may sound a little sarcastic, but I was looking for a utility to make my process more efficient when I found EasyEngine. Now, EasyEngine is at the very core of every single WordPress website deployment I’m involved in.
I had developed a deployment process prior to finding EasyEngine. Now, I don’t just have a deployment process, but a fully functional and scalable deployment platform. I call this platform GLEEMPLE.
GLEEMPLE is an acronym for “Google, Linux, EasyEngine, Engine-X, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, LetsEncrypt and all the Extras”
I spin up a VPS on Google’s Cloud Console running Debian. Then I let EasyEngine do everything else.
Any interesting situations where EasyEngine saved your time / energy / resources?
The most interesting thing to me, about EasyEngine, is how it makes me (and my business) more efficient. When I spend less time manually configuring servers, I have more time to spend on other things. This time/resource savings is apparent with every website deployment.
There are things I continue to learn about EasyEngine and it does cost me in time, to learn, but with everything I learn, I become more efficient.
Why would you recommend using EasyEngine?
Simply put, it simplifies the mundane tasks associated with VPS & WordPress Deployments.
Is BAMAJR an acronym? 🙂
BAMAJR is not an acronym. I was born in Alabama. My dad worked at an oil refinery in Southeast Kansas. His peers called him “BAMA” and one of those peers once called me “BAMAJR” and “Little BAMA” – I liked BAMAJR better and have been using it as a nickname (and web handle) ever since.
Any other information about you or your company that you would like any future collaborators to know?
I am in the process of writing a book about the GLEEMPLE platform, which I hope to have published. EasyEngine will be prominently featured in the book (If I can get it published). I have recently expanded GLEEMPLE from a Google-only platform to also work on Micro$lop Azure and hope to add Amazon’s Hosting System later this year.
BAMAJR LLC is NOT a service provider. We do not offer web or email hosting. We do not manage, own or rent space in any datacenters nor server farms. BAMAJR LLC is a WEB TECHNOLOGY CONCIERGE. We help our clients manage their own hosting accounts, websites, web-based systems and applications. We also help our clients integrate with other systems.
Want to find my company online? Simply search “BAMAJR” on Google. Chances are, most of the results are me or my company. Or find my business on:
- Twitter: @BAMAJR
- Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Bamajr
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bamajr
I rarely use Facebook, but am very active on Twitter. There are other accounts too, such as App.net and Gab.
Links: EasyExperts Profile | EasyExperts Program