Using tmpfs for temporary folder creation

If you are on Ubuntu, then do this first:

vim /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld

Add a line:

/run/mysqld/tmp/** rwk,

Restart Apparmor

service apparmor restart

Also create tmp directory and fix ownership/permissions.

mkdir /run/mysqld/tmp/
chown -R mysql:mysql /run/mysqld/tmp/
chmod 1777 /run/mysqld/tmp/

Edit mysql config

Open my.cnf file

vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Set/Change tmpdir location

tmpdir = /run/mysqld/tmp

Restart Mysql

service mysql restart

3 responses to “Using tmpfs for temporary folder creation”

  1. Hi Rahul Bansal,

    I have been following your tutorials from long ago, also i just installed your awesome script EasyEngine and i would like to know if it is using tmpfs for temporary folder creation.

    Keep the good work guys.