HTTP/2 support

Important: HTTP/2 is available in Nginx 1.10 stable. So from EasyEngine 3.6.0 support for Nginx Mainline is not needed, hence removed.

NGINX has released HTTP/2 support in its mainline version and not in its stable version yet.  Mainline version of NGINX has other features too.

For the users who wants to use NGINX mainline version or wants to enable  HTTP/2  on their websites they need to explicitly install NGINX mainline with EasyEngine. EasyEngine made this task easy for the users with  following single command.

Install NGINX HTTP/2

ee stack install --nginxmainline


ee stack remove --nginxmainline


ee stack purge --nginxmainline

For Existing EasyEngine Installation with NGINX stable

ee stack remove --nginx
ee stack install --nginxmainline

Check Nginx Version

[email protected]:~$ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.9.0

Reverting back to Nginx – Stable:

ee stack remove --nginxmainline
ee stack install --nginx

Important Notes:

  1. NGINX HTTP/2 does not support on Debian 7
  2. Installing HTTP/2 will depreciate the support for SPDY
  3.  command :  --nginxmainline is not available with ee site create