EasyEngine is a command line program to easily manage your WordPress websites with Nginx web server, supported on Ubuntu, Debian, Mac (since v4) and many other Linux distributions.
EasyEngine v4 Docs
On the line of WP-CLI, EasyEngine commands documentation is automatically generated at hosted at easyengine.io/commands.
Apart from this, we have created a handbook – easyengine.io/handbook that has additional information about many aspects of v4 such as:
- Filesystem structure: global, site, and services
- Admin tools
- Mailhog
- Cron
- Request cycle
- Nginx reverse proxy
EasyEngine v3 Docs
Following is auto generated list of all v3 docs available. We do not support v3 any more. So over the time, we will be updating these docs with their v4 counterpart.
- Admin Tools on Port 22222
- Beta Testing
- Change WordPress Cache
- Chroot SFtp with EasyEngine
- Commands
- Developer Documentation
- Development Lifecycle
- EasyEngine Config File
- EasyEngine PHP7 Document
- EasyEngine with NGINX PLUS
- HTTP/2 support
- Install
- Let’s Encrypt
- Logs
- Manage Amazon RDS with phpMyAdmin via EasyEngine
- Other commands
- Prevent MySQL crashing
- Recommedned Hosting Providers
- Remote MySQL
- Site Migration
- Upgrade to Percona MySQL 5.6
Simple question, how do I access the wordpress admin area? I have not yet mapped the URL to the ip. I am trying to access X.X.X.X/wp-login.php and all I see is the Nginx welcome page.
You have to do the domain to ip mapping first, after that, works great!
Glad to know you manage to solve your problem yourself. 🙂
I’ve been testing EasyEngine now for some weeks and I love it, great job!!
– W3TC generates nginx.conf file in htdocs folder but following your tutorial I know this file is not functional according to the EE set up, so I guess page cache functionality is limited to the pre loaded configuration in available-sites/mysite.com, unless I modify/update this file manually. Is it right?
– In case I decide to switch between w3tc and fastcgi (for page cache), do I need to change / update available-sites/mysite.com, or are there more config files to modify?
– Testing fastcgi with nginx-helper plugin (timestamp enabled) with the proper installation and settings, I realize that when I create a new post the plugin doesn’t purge all of the post and pages, I have to do it manually. Just some post and pages are purged but not all.
– Finally, in a low memory (ram) server (AWS micro instance with 613M) do you recommend using a swap file? I was doing some testing with this, but I have no clear how it works with this set up or how it could benefit performance.
Regards and thanks a lot for the great job.
– EasyEngine has it’s own copy of W3TC specific config files. If you pass `–w3tc` switch at the time to `ee site create` command, you will get perfectly configured full-page cache. You can verify that by following – https://rtcamp.com/wordpress-nginx/tutorials/checklist/#testing-wordpress-content-cache-for-phpmysql-crash
– As of now ee doesn’t support switching. You need to manually edit site’s nginx config file. You can use `ee site edit example.com` command to open site config but for remaining part, please try looking for – https://rtcamp.com/wordpress-nginx/tutorials/
– Check cache purge options provided in nginx-helper interface in WordPress Dashboard. You can control what gets purged when a post/page is create/edited. For reference, please check first image at – https://rtcamp.com/wordpress-nginx/tutorials/single-site/fastcgi-cache-with-purging/
– I always recommend swap file. Slowing down is better than complete crash.