ee site publish

Publishes site online using ngrok.


: Name of website.

: Take online link down.

: Refresh site publish if link has expired.

: ngrok token.


# Publish site online
$ ee site publish

# Refresh published link if expired
$ ee site publish --refresh

# Disable online link
$ ee site publish --disable


Argument Description
--sites_path=<path> Absolute path to where all sites will be stored.
--locale=<locale> Locale for WordPress.
--le-mail=<le-mail> Mail-id to be used for letsencrypt.
--[no-]color Whether to colorize the output.
--debug[=<group>] Show all PHP errors; add verbosity to EE bootstrap.
--quiet Suppress informational messages.


ee site clean

Clears Object and Page cache for site.

ee site clone

Clones a website from source to a new website in destination.

ee site createRuns site installation with provided site type.
ee site delete

Deletes a website.

ee site disable

Disables a website. It will stop and remove the docker containers of the website if they are running.

ee site enable

Enables a website. It will start the docker containers of the website if they are stopped.

ee site info

Display all the relevant site information, credentials and useful links.

ee site list

Lists the created websites.

ee site refresh

Re-create sites docker-compose file and update the containers containers.

ee site reload

Reload services in containers without restarting container(s) associated with site.

ee site restart

Restarts containers associated with site.

ee site share

Share a site online using ngrok.

ee site ssl

Verifies ssl challenge and also renews certificates(if expired).

ee site ssl-renew

Renews letsencrypt ssl certificates.

ee site ssl-verify

Verifies ssl challenge and also renews certificates(if expired).

ee site sync

Syncs a website from source to an existing website in destination.

ee site update

Supports updating and upgrading site.